
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wavelet Design OPUS1 (IEM)


DBA Technology 

OPUS 1 uses one custom-made full-range 'Dynamic BA' driver in each earpiece fitted to an ergonomic housing. 
This 'Dynamic Balanced Armature' is made by their own technology.

 U.V coated housing

Perfect fit by ergonomic design


Wavelet Design OPUS1 Measurement 


Diffuse Field Target Compensated

Olive Welti Target Compensated


Harmonic Distortions
94 dB @ 500 Hz

Distortions over 1% below 1kHz

They explained that the DBA performs low distortion sound by using their custom made BA. 
Actually as shown in the measurement data, DBA's distortions are quite high, compared to other conventional BA earphones.

Impedance magnitude 

Effect of adding a resistor

Black : 0 ohm
Orange: 10 ohm
Blue : 30 ohm
Green: 90 ohm
Pink : 300 ohm

Insertion depth

• Black:4.8 mm
• Green: 6.8 mm
• Red : 8.8 mm
Away from the reference plane

Difference between OPUS1 and ER-4P

• Black: Wavelet Design OPUS1
• Pink: Etymotic Research ER-4P

THD - 94dB SPL @ 500Hz

• 1.2% at 713.6Hz

THD - 100dB SPL @ 500Hz

• 2.7% at 713.6Hz

They also explained that this DBA works stable at the high output. 
However, as the same problem occurs in the conventional BA, its distortion also increases at high volume.

Resistor added
Diffuse Field Target Compensated

• 90 ohms resistor added


※Serial No.55 and No.65

Wavelet Design uploads measurement data on their own blog.

According to their data, differences among each units are quite big(Almost 10 dB).


  1. If the magnetic poles are arranged so that they are the extremes of the armature motion, wouldn't the force factor be even more non-linear than in the normal balanced armature?

    Impressive bandwidth for a single armature anyway. A shame about the inconsistent high frequency response and the distortion.

    1. Maybe. Their claims were not real, anyway.
      Bandwidth was quite impressive to me, too. They said that this is because of the weight of their BA was 30% lighter, compared to conventional BA.

