
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hidition NT6 Pro (C-IEM)


Hidition NT6 Pro Measurement

• 6BA Custom IEM
• Three woofer, two mid, one tweeter
• Price: 1232000₩ (1100$ usd)

screenshot of IEC standard, which indicates how to measure the custom IEM.

• CIEM measured at the Reference Plane 
according to lEC standard

[1. Frequency Response ]

Diffuse Field Target Compensated

Olive Welti Target Compensated

[2. Cumulative Spectral Decay ]

[3. Triple Bore ]
Effect of the Triple Bore


•Red: woofer (inverted polarity)
• Green: mid 
• Blue: tweeter (inverted polarity)

• Black: Together 

[4. Impedance ]
DC Ohm

Black: Impedance Magnitude
Green: Electrical Phase

[5. Effect of the resistors ]

Black: 0 ohm
Green: 10 ohm
Orange: 30 ohm
Yellow: 90 ohm
Pink: 600 ohm

[6. Harmonic Distortions ]
Harmonic Distortions
• 94 dB SPL @500Hz

[7. Tuning Recommendation ]
Diffuse Field Target compensated

• Woofer Blocked

Olive Welti Target compensated

• 90 ohms resistor added

If you're curious about NT6 Ver.1 and Ver.2: (reviewed by RinChoi)


  1. I am always pleased to see more Custom IEM measurements, there is never enough of them. Is this a personal unit?

    There's a lot of phase skew between the multiple bores even after factoring in the inverted woofer and high. Certainly not suited for someone who values time accuracy, haha. Have you tried selective damping of each bore?

    For what I see, Rin seemed to think Hidition uses a 2cc+EQ (as in RECD correction?) as their measurement jig. Besides the smoothing, what do you think they do?

    1. Yes, it's my personal unit and I tried to make an attempt of selective damping, but bore is too small for damper to fit in.

      Hidition uses FF mic + 2cc tube and RECD compensation + DF compensation(4128C Orthotelephonic gain).

      Here is measurement data they gave to me. As you can see it is pretty inaccurate, compared to IEC coupler.

    2. Why would they use the 4128C transfer function? Did they use the mannequin as their "real ear" reference?

    3. No, Hidition's measurement system is tuned by SEEKO( user named 'nalsse', and his reference compensation target was b&k 4128C target.

      -> "Hidition has a capability of analyzing their own products using an equalizer, a microphone, and a simple silicone tube. It is quite disappointing though, that one of my friends, nalsse, have helped them setup the measurement jig, but Hidition never give him a credit for the contribution."

      -> "저는 헤드폰 인포의 b&k 4128c에 맞추어 0점 조정을 했습니다."

      That is reason why they use 4128C target, so don't put too much meaning to the compensation target. :)

  2. 음... 저는 신형에다가 저음 더한것이라고 생각했는데 오히려 구형 nt-6이랑 특성이 흡사해보이네요. nt-6 pro는 리비젼이 없었나보군요.

    1. 네 저음보단 특히 중고음의 변화가 두드러지게 나타나죠. 중역이 NT6에 비해서 좀 더 꺼져 있어서 오히려 더 V자 느낌의 소리입니다.

    2. 음... 그렇군요.

      그건 그렇고 다른 포스트랑 달리 최신 포스트인 슈어 SE846 같은 문서에는 댓글을 달수 없는것 같은데(정확하게는 댓글 리스트가 안 펴져서 쓰는 창이 아예 안보입니다) 원래 최신 포스트는 이러나요?

      SE846에서 화이트 필터 기본 3단팁을 하만 타겟 기준으로 어떻게 보이는지 그래프를 좀 요청하고 싶었는데 댓글 달수 없더라구요.

    3. 오류가 있었는데 지금은 아마 될 겁니다. 제보 감사합니다.
